So I have about 4 cameras. Each one was suggested by some one..(First mistake)... Since starting this blog, I've been messing with every single one trying to get the best picture for you.. Yeah that wasn't happening, so I started researching. Then a stroke of luck, I got a new friend. My good friend Izzy (J. Isobel Delisle, Google that she's AMAZING) is an amazing photographer and had a Canon Eos 20D when she took my picture for my website (reconstruction is still in the process). I pretty much molested her equipment. Now a year has passed and I finally got a new, used camera. I got a Canon Eos 30D and it can beat up all of my other cameras at the same time by itself. Actually I named it Chuck Norris.
Brendan is always taking pictures with tiny things. There will be more of these.. Brendan is also known as Sailor B. and bug wrangling is not his only talent. Here he is tattooing.
Here we have Meghan's hands creating magic. There's even a bird flying from her hand..
Here I am Tattooing. Jose took the role of Photographer here.
My grouping of Magic wands
This Beauty was built for me by Seth Ciferri. He was nice enough to inscribe it to Me.
I did get this camera the day the Pacquiao fight was on. This is the closes I could get of photgraphing that fight.
These are some of the characters that hang out everyday at the shop... One gots our back and the other gives us luck.... I think... The Gorilla is actually a munny that Jose sculpted.. we are working on a few more of these.. They'll be up here soon.
Yeah the first one is DO no evil..
You seriously need some of these.
I"ve been collecting tin robots for a few years now. My new collection of paintings are all robots. As soon as I get them finished I'll post those up
Of course I took my camera home and took pictures of the kids. This is Butterscotch.
This morning the weather was so nice that we decided to go to historic New Hope. It was a great drive all the way there. The fall colors, the crisp fresh air, and the sounds of nature. I'm a city boy at heart, but getting away every now and then is amazing. These are some of the sights on our way there.
On the Walt Whitman Bridge looking up the Delaware towards the Ben Franklin Bridge.
Philly Benjamin Franklin Bridge
I thought it was just a weird dog bag.. Then I noticed it was a Sonic the hedgehog plushy with a dog bag in front... Just like the Ghetto Boys "My mind is playin' tricks on me."
On that note, I think it's time to go back home and take a nap.. All this fresh air is making me sleepy..