Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fast forward to the Fastwards

So Friday, despite the cold that kept me in bed for three days, we all took that long 10 min trek to Philadelphia, ha ha. Well 10 minutes to get to Philly, 1/2 an hour to get parked. Once getting to Fergie's Pub (1214 Sansom st. between 12th & 13th St), the adventure didn't stop there. At first I couldn't get in because my license was suspended for 30 days for speeding. As luck would have it, even though I have been going to this bar every Monday for their open mic night for the last 5 years, this Friday, a bouncer that I never seen before. He wouldn't let me in. Good thing I knew the band, huh. We went into this weekend chaos to support our good friends Brian and Doug.  They along with their bassist Damon are in this pretty sweet band called The Fastwards. Although they are mainly an acoustic trio, we were treated with some songs with lyrics and an amazing Johnny Cash cover of Rings of Fire. I took the opportunity to take some picture of them and an impromptu 12 oz studios apparel photo shoot. The Fastwards' debut EP "Hole In The Bucket" is now available on www.myspace.com/thefastwards  (see the Ayos iShare window for free downloadable audio and cover art). These guys were amazing. After that performance I forgot about the Mitsubishi Galant full of drunk a-holes waving their have empty bottles of Hennessy and cheap vodka in a plastic bottle while driving erratically in front of us, the 1/2 hour driving 2 inches a minute to get to the parking garage, and the 24 year old fat bouncer's power trip. Well I did until I started writing this blog.

This is called Independence. Perfect for Philadelphia.