Not only were Meghan and I busy tattooing and representing 12 oz. Tattoos, Jose was busy making friends and Promoting the 12 oz Clothing line. This was our debut out west. I was happy that the west coast kids was digging the line. Don't be surprise when you see our "Crown & Arrows"tm Logo walking around out there.
These may not be the originals but they could have fooled me.. They are still amazing....
Me and Bob Tyrell...Master of Black and grey..
Mario Barth. The mastermind behind the show, Starlight tattoos and Intenze Products
Here we have two living legends. On the left you have Gil "The Drill" Monte, and on the right you have Crazy Philadelphia Eddie signing his book. I read this book within 2 days. I couldn't put it down. Anyone who wants to know some true tattoo history needs to buy this book.
Below we have tow more Legends. On the left we have Mark Mahoney who was so busy all weekend I didn't get a chance to meet him.. Now I have an excuse to go to LA to visit him at the Shamrock Social Club and get tattooed. On the right is Mr. Bowery Stan adding another member to his piranha and hammer crew. The man has been tattooing since 1948 and still kicking ass. I'm proud to say I sport a Bowery Stan tattoo. If you ever get a chanced to get tattooed by him, Do. It'll be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.
Finally after the convention we got to explore a bit and party it up Vegas style. We were shocked and happy to find and original DAIM graffiti piece inside City Center. In a way it didn't surprise us because if u look at this amazing Complex it looks as if Daim either designed it himself or was a major inspiration to the architects.
Someone is taking a Siesta under the Brooklyn Bridge at the New York, New York Hotel
We spent hours at the Vladimir Kush Gallery. It took so much restraint to not buy this.
Farewell Vegas, See ya next year.