Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Plan....

Those of you who know or read our first blog, may have realized we are opening a second shop. Today the architect's plans arrived. That means that after 2 months of waiting construction will begin soon. I will be documenting the progress here. We chose our new location because it was located by a mall. A very popular mall, with good traffic. This shop will have tattooing and body piercing with a strong emphasis on retail and the 12 oz. clothing line. Pretty much to test market our new designs.... We were hoping for December but with talks and all red tape from city officials... Looks like January.. We'll see what happens..

By the way people, we are looking to add some talent to our family oriented team. So if you know any tattoo artist send them our way. Have them call our Brooklawn shop  856-742-1234 to schedule an interview.